My Life - So Far

"Unbounded ambition makes an obscure existence simply impossible for me"
Lucien de Rubempré

Friday, November 10, 2006

Wintersemester I

Week No.3 at university ended today. I'm quite pleased that I passed the exams and now I'm motivated for the next semester and the exams in February and March.

My studies now consists of two practical trainings in physics and microbiology. This is a nice change from the lectures. We work in groups of two and every group has an assistant which is mostly a PhD student. In microbiology we breed bacteria and viruses.

The focus in this semester though lies in physics. Then we have lectures in maths, biochemistry, environmental economics, organic chemistry, anatomy of humans and animals and in food analytics.

Today I couldn't attend my lectures as I had a cold with fever...

So I listend the story: The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) writen by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and published in 1943. Although ît's ostensibly a children's book, it makes several profound and idealistic points about life and love.


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